Wall Street Journal Articles

      After nearly 10 years editing The Wall Street Journal's second daily section, then called Marketplace, I returned to writing in 2008 as the WSJ's consumer health columnist, a post I held until 2017.  Writing "Health Journal," as it was called,  allowed me to explore the frontiers of cancer research, the scourge of earwax and hundreds of fascinating topics in between. Some of my favorite columns addressed common health questions such as, "Am I an Alcoholic?",  "Can a Night Owl Become an Early Bird?" and "Why is Than Song Stuck in My Head?"  My columns were frequently ranked among WSJ.com's "Most-Read Stories the Day" and promoted above the WSJ logo on the front page.  
       During several of those years, I also covered health-care costs and the Affordable Care Act and created a new beat on the changing practice of medicine. 
       Wall Street Journal content is behind a paywall and requires a subscription to access, but you can read PDFs of many of my stories for free below.

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